Now more than ever, women dream of having plump, luscious, and beautifully-colored lips every day.

Lips Micropigmentation is a technique that has been designed to make the lips look constantly full and colorful essentially mimicking the effect of lipstick, revitalization effect, or correction on dark lips. The process involves using a small needle that gently inserts the client’s chosen color, which can normally be custom-blended by the artist into the lip in order to create a natural-colored effect.

Lip micropigmentation ensures that colors don’t fade or smudge but can also add definition and, with some techniques, make the lips look larger.


Lips and face assessment & analysis: A photo of your mouth and lips will be taken to analyze before starting the Lipsy lips treatment. Followed by an explanation on which lips shape should be drawn to enhance your face shape and features.

Topical numb cream application: Prior to the semi-permanent lips micro-pigmentation treatment, we would apply numbing cream on your lips to make the application of the treatment mild and comfortable.

Lips shaping and drawing: The lip’s shape is determined according to face structure and the changes you want to achieve. While color is chosen according to your preference. 

Lips micro-pigmentation application: Using the latest European digital machine to deposit color in the upper layer of the lips skin.

Checking lips micro-pigmentation symmetry: Checking the symmetry of your mouth before finishing drawing the lips and making any necessary touches to get the perfect symmetrical lips

Aftercare Instructions: Providing aftercare products after finishing the lips Micro-pigmentation application and explaining to the client the healing steps and aftercare instructions.

Hi, y’all! I’m Juliana Di Tomaso
How can I help you?